
A Standard Memorial which is completely free and will stay posted as long as you want.
The Premium Memorial is paid annually or a one-time fee, but has a lot more features and more customizable.

Below outlines the online memorial features for each type:

Quick and Easy Setup
Simply fill out a form and upload photos. The photos are resized automatically.
No Advertising Yes Yes
Memorial/Funeral Announcement and a space for a Bio
A 500-character text is allotted for an announcement or a brief introduction of the person being memorialized. There is also a 4,000-character space for a more detailed bio.
Yes Yes
Post a tribute by lighting a virtual candle, placing a digital flower or stone from our library, with a 350-character message.

20 posts

Offer a Prayer - Along with your note you can offer a prayer from our list.
Approval process - When someone posts a tribute, the curator will be notified by email. The curator can then login and review the posting for approval. Yes Yes
Password Protection
Only the person who created the memorial can edit and approve posts.
Yes Yes
Upload Photos including a profile photo. Yes
1 photo
100 photos
Own Unique Address that you can bookmark and share:
  • A Premium Memorial gets a unique folder:

  • A Basic Memorial gets a unque ID:
    YouMattered.com/memorial/details.cfm?ID=188  « Your ID
Social Media Sharing: Share the memorial via facebook, twitter, email and other social media Yes
Post a Comment Using your Facebook Account Yes
Link Memorials: Add links to related memorials Yes
Share stories, events, experiences and attach a photo.
The photo attached will be counted towards the photo limit.
No Yes
50 articles
Timeline - an interactive chronological representation of the milestones of the person's life No Yes
YouTube© Videos - upload a link to a YouTube video of the person No Yes
Background Music - select from our list of royalty free music or upload your own mp3 music. No Yes
Privacy Setting - two ways to make the site private:
  1. Set a passcode. Only people with the passcode can view and post on the site. The passcode can be obtained by email invite sent by the curator or the person can request for it and is subject for approval.

  2. Set up a question about the person being memorialized. It could be a common knowledge question like "what is the person's hometown?".
    Then someone who actually knew the person will know the answer.
No Yes
Predefined Themes
We've selected backgrounds, graphics and color schemes so you don't have to.
{ View Theme Selection }
No Yes
Customizable Options:
  • Select a header graphics from our library.
  • Change the color of the header and footer.
  • Choose a background image from our library or from a color selection.
  • Pick a font combination from our selection.
  • Set a decorative animated falling leaves, snowflakes, stars, etc
No Yes
Sponsorship Fee

Premium Memorial per year or permanent sponsorship.
Renew a Premium Memorial for five (5) years and it will become permanent.
Free $49.99

   * Your will get a unique ID for your Memorial that you can bookmark and email to family and friends.

      Sign-up Now and Create a Free Basic Memorial

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